Frequently Asked Questions
Find the answers to frequently asked questions about Providence Research

Below, find the answers to frequently asked questions about Providence Research, covering topics including the Clinical Support and Research Centre, clinical trials, how to support research, and more.
What is Providence Research?
What is the Clinical Support and Research Centre?
As a researcher affiliated with Providence, how do I submit my profile to the researcher directory?
How do I list my clinical trial?
How can I participate in research as a patient or healthy individual?
How can I donate to support research?
How do I keep up with the latest news from Providence Research?
Further questions? Contact us.
Explore Our Site
Who We Are
Providence Research is the research arm of Providence Health Care. We are an academic health science centre affiliated with the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University.
Research Centres & Clinical Academic Research Groups
This section features a list of research programs and initiatives at Providence Health Care and Providence Research.
Awards and Funding
Internal awards and funding opportunities at Providence Research.
Research Ethics
The UBC PHC REB (Research Ethics Board) is a UBC-affiliated research ethics board that oversees all research involving human subjects conducted under the auspices of Providence Health Care to ensure that such research meets the highest scientific and ethical standards.